Tutor Action Plan


So odds are you are here because you’ve been matched with a student a few moments ago. We’ve set up an action plan for you to follow. It should also just make it easier and will ensure everything runs smoothly.

Process to follow:

1. We have provided you with the contact details of the student and provided them with yours. **For High school tutoring this will typically be the student’s parents.

2. It’s imperative to send them a message, preferably on whatsapp, as soon as you can. This will make a good first impression. (More on this later)

3. Here’s a good example that will set a friendly but professional tone.(You can just copy paste it and replace the (tags):
Hi (their name), how are you? 😁 

I’m (your name) from Prep2Perfection and I’ll be your (subject) tutor.
I’m contacting you so we can arrange lessons and discuss the course content to be covered during the lessons.
I look forward to hearing from you.🙂

4. Ensure you get the following information for your preparation:
– The concepts and chapters they need help with (Ask for a study guide for university tutoring).
– Examples of tests and assessments of this content.
– What their objectives are, a test or exam, general study.
– What grade they are aiming for.

5. After each lesson you should provide the student or their parents with the lesson log & review form. Here is the link you can provide to them:


1. Ensure you look over the concepts you need to prepare for before starting your preparation, this will help you plan your preparation time more accurately.

2. Guide your preparation around the problems/questions the student will face in atest/assessment.

3. We encourage you to get past papers & problems from them if they have or for high school subjects simply find them online.

4. Refamiliarize yourself with the content, don’t just “wing it”.

5. If you’re tutoring online, familiarize yourself with zoom and whiteboard by miro which will allow you to upload your notes and make digital annotations on them while screen sharing.

6. The student will typically have covered the theory already and would generally need assistance to help them translate the theory into the grades they’re aiming for.

7. When your planning is complete, inform the student of the plan you set up to ensure both of you are on the same page.

8. Inform them of any theory they should familiarize themselves with in order for both of you to make the most out of the lesson.


This is where the rubber meets the road.

We know you’re anyway doing all of this already. We just need to say it anyway.

1. When communicating with the student or their parents, be it Whatsapp, email, during an online session or in person, ensure that you always present yourself well.

a. Be neatly dressed if you’re to meet in person or an online session.

b. Speak clearly and friendly as you would for example in a job interview.

c. Present the lesson in an organised and structured fashion.

2. You have the knowledge, also making a professional impression positively impacts the feedback students and their parents provide us about their experience of each session.
** Top performing tutors are given preference to new requests. We shall also upon request provide a personalized letter of recommendation detailing your professional conduct.

A Few Ground Rules

● We obviously need you to be on time for your sessions be it in person or online.
● You are responsible for your own transport and the associated cost thereof, therefore it makes sense not to accept sessions that are further away than you wish to travel.
● Take note that you as the tutor are representing the company when interacting with students and their parents.
● We will hold you liable for any business loss or reputational cost or harm to our brand if it is as a result of improper conduct on your part.
● We compensate you once a month every month on or before the last day of the month.
● Compensation for lessons logs submitted up to the 25th of each month will be paid in said month.
● If the student or their parents aren’t satisfied with the lesson then we can unfortunately not compensate you for that lesson.
● The student or their parent will provide feedback for each lesson, anything less than ⅘ may results in compensation being withheld or would require the session to be repeated. This is due to the fact that we do not bill the client if they are dissatisfied with
a lesson. The action plan above is to guide you so it doesn’t come to this unfortunate situation.
● We may but aren’t obligated to, provide you with the necessary material or training in order to be familiar with a course you elected to tutor a student.